The Uploader
component is used to upload files to a bucket.
This component must be a child of the SupabaseApp
component to work.
Prop name | Type | Description |
file | File | The file to upload. |
options | object | The options to pass to the storage.upload method. Defaults to an empty object. |
Prop name | Type | Description |
storage | Object | The storage client object from the Supabase SDK. |
error | Error | An error object if there was an error uploading the file, otherwise null. |
uploadedFile | string | The name of the uploaded file if the upload was successful, otherwise null. |
<script lang="ts"> import { BucketContext, Uploader } from 'supasvelte';
let file: File | null = null;</script>
<BucketContext bucketName="test-bucket" path="public/"> <input type="file" on:change={(e) => (file = e?.currentTarget?.files?.[0] ?? null)} />
{#if file} <Uploader {file} {options} let:uploadedFile let:error> {#if error} <div data-testid="upload-error">{error.message}</div> {/if} {#if uploadedFile} <div data-testid="upload-filename">{uploadedFile}</div> {/if} </Uploader> {/if}</BucketContext>