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Buckets List

The BucketsList component displays a list of buckets retrieved from Supabase Storage. It uses the bucketsListStore store to fetch the list of buckets and the getSupabaseContext function to get the Supabase Storage client. This component must be a child of the SupabaseApp component to work.

You should have the select permission on storage.buckets to be able to list buckets.


This component has no props.


This component has one slot named default which accepts the following props:

bucketsAn array of Bucket objects representing the list of buckets.
errorAn Error object representing any error that occurred while fetching the list of buckets.
storageA StorageClient object representing the Supabase Storage client.


<script lang="ts">
import { BucketsList } from 'supasveltekit';
<BucketsList let:buckets let:error>
{#if error !== null}
{#each buckets as bucket}