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Bucket Files List

The BucketFilesList component is used to list files in a bucket. This component must be a child of the SupabaseApp component to work.

To use this component, you must provide a bucket name and path. The bucket name is the name of the bucket you want to list files from. The path is the path in the bucket you want to list files from. If you want to list files from the root of the bucket, you can leave the path empty.

You should have the select permission on storage.objects or on your bucket to be able to list files in it.


Prop nameTypeDescription
bucketNamestringThe name of the bucket to retrieve files from. Defaults to the bucket name from the BucketContext.
pathstringThe path of the directory in the bucket to retrieve files from. Defaults to the path from the BucketContext.


Prop nameTypeDescription
bucketFilesArrayAn array of file objects retrieved from the specified bucket and path.
storageObjectThe storage client object from the Supabase SDK.
errorErrorAn error object if there was an error retrieving the files, otherwise null.


<script lang="ts">
import { BucketFilesList } from 'supasveltekit';
<BucketFilesList bucketName="test-bucket" path="public/" let:bucketFiles let:error>
{#if error !== null}
{#each bucketFiles as file}