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Bucket Context

The BucketContext component is used to provide a bucket to BucketFilesList, DownloadURL and Uploader. It can be used to provide a bucket name and path to any other component that needs it.

This component must be a child of the SupabaseApp component to work.


Prop nameTypeDescription
bucketNamestringThe name of the bucket to set the context for.
pathstringThe path to set the context for. Defaults to an empty string.


This component has no slots.


<script lang="ts">
import { BucketContext, BucketFilesList } from 'supasveltekit';
<BucketContext name="test-bucket" path="public/">
<BucketFilesList let:bucketFiles let:error>
{#if error !== null}
{#each bucketFiles as file}
<li data-testid={}>