DB Changes
The DBChanges
component is used to listen to changes on a table in the Supabase Realtime service. It uses a svelte store to store and forward the data received from the channel to wrapped components.
This component must be a child of the SupabaseApp
component to work.
Prop name | Description | Default value |
channelName | The name of the channel to listen to changes on. | 'any' |
event | The type of event to listen to changes for. Can be one of "*" , "INSERT" , "UPDATE" , or "DELETE" . | "*" |
schema | The name of the schema to listen to changes on. | "*" |
table | The name of the table to listen to changes on. If null , listens to changes on all tables in the schema. | null |
filter | A filter expression to apply to the changes. If null , no filter is applied. | null |
: The default slot is rendered with the latest changes. It has access to the following props:Property Description payload
The latest changes to the database table. error
An error object if there was an error listening to changes. realtime
The Supabase RealtimeClient instance. channel
The Supabase RealtimeChannel instance. -
: The loading slot is rendered while the component is waiting for the initial changes to load.
<script lang="ts"> import { DbChanges } from 'supasveltekit';</script>
<DbChanges channelName="db" event="*" schema="public" table="test" let:payload> {#if error !== null} <div>{error.message}</div> {/if} {#if payload !== null} <p>Last change received: >{payload?.eventType ?? "none"}</strong></p> {/if}</DbChanges>