Broadcast Channel
The BroadcastChannel
component is used to listen to a channel on the Supabase Realtime service. It uses a svelte store to store and forward the data received from the channel to wrapped components.
This component must be a child of the SupabaseApp
component to work.
Prop name | Type | Default value | Description |
channelName | string | 'any' | The name of the channel to listen to. |
eventName | string | 'sync' | The name of the event to listen to. |
Property | Type | Description |
payload | Record<string, any> | null | The data payload received from the channel. |
error | Error | null | The error object if there was an error receiving the payload. |
realtime | RealtimeClient | The Supabase RealtimeClient instance. |
channel | RealtimeChannel | null | The RealtimeChannel instance for the channel being listened to. This will be null if the channel has not been successfully subscribed to yet. |
<script lang="ts"> import { BroadcastChannel } from 'supasveltekit';</script>
<BroadcastChannel channelName="any" eventName="sync" let:payload let:error let:realtime let:channel> {#if error !== null} <div>{error.message}</div> {/if} {#if payload !== null} <div>{JSON.stringify(payload)}</div> {/if}</BroadcastChannel>