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Scheduled function call

This component represents a scheduled supabase function call. It allows users to specify the function name, headers, body, and date for the function call.


functionNameThe name of the function to be called.
headersOptional headers to be included in the function call.
bodyOptional body data to be sent with the function call.
dateThe date and time at which the function call should be scheduled.


defaultThe default slot receives the payload, error, and functions client as props.
loadingThe loading slot is rendered when the function call is being processed.


<script lang="ts">
import { ScheduledFunctionCall } from 'supasveltekit';
const schedule = new Date( + delay * 2);
<ScheduledFunctionCall functionName="get-time" let:payload let:error date={schedule}>
<div data-testid="scheduled-function-call">
{#if payload}
<h1>The time is {payload.time}</h1>
{:else if error}
<h1>There was an error: {JSON.stringify(error)}</h1>