The Collection
component is used to fetch data from a Supabase database table. It uses a svelte store to store and forward the data received from the table to wrapped components.
This component must be a child of the SupabaseApp
component to work. It offers a real-time mode that listens for changes to the table and updates the store accordingly.
This component is responsible for fetching and displaying data from a Supabase database table. It uses the selectStore
function from the database.js
store to fetch the data and store it in a Svelte store. The component accepts the following props:
Prop Name | Type | Description |
realtime | Boolean | Determines whether the component should listen for real-time changes to the table. When set to true , the component sets up subscriptions to listen for changes to the specified table in the Supabase database. When a row is deleted, it is removed from the store. When a row is inserted, it is added to the store. When a row is updated, it is upgraded in the store. |
refreshKey | String | Specifies the key to use when refreshing the data in the store. |
table | String | Specifies the name of the table to fetch data from. |
selectQuery | String | Specifies the SQL query to use when fetching data from the table. Defaults to * . |
head | Boolean | Determines whether to include the column names in the data. Defaults to false . |
schema | String | Specifies the schema to use when fetching data from the table. Defaults to public . |
count | String | Specifies the type of count to use when fetching data from the table. Can be one of 'exact' , 'planned' , 'estimated' , or undefined . Defaults to undefined . |
The component has two slots:
: This slot is rendered when the data has been fetched successfully. It receives the following props:payload
: The data fetched from the table.error
: An error object if an error occurred while fetching the data, otherwisenull
: This slot is rendered while the data is being fetched.
<script lang="ts"> import { Collection } from 'supasveltekit'; const table = 'test';</script>
<Collection table={table} let:payload let:error realtime={true}> {#if !payload} <p>Loading...</p> {:else if error} <p>{error.message}</p> {:else} <p class="items-count">Count: <strong data-testid="items-count">{payload.length}</strong></p> {#each payload as entry} <p class="items">ID: {} Created at {entry.created_at}</p> {/each} {/if} <div slot="loading"> <p>Loading...</p> </div></Collection>