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The Collection component is used to fetch data from a Supabase database table. It uses a svelte store to store and forward the data received from the table to wrapped components.

This component must be a child of the SupabaseApp component to work. It offers a real-time mode that listens for changes to the table and updates the store accordingly.


This component is responsible for fetching and displaying data from a Supabase database table. It uses the selectStore function from the database.js store to fetch the data and store it in a Svelte store. The component accepts the following props:

Prop NameTypeDescription
realtimeBooleanDetermines whether the component should listen for real-time changes to the table. When set to true, the component sets up subscriptions to listen for changes to the specified table in the Supabase database. When a row is deleted, it is removed from the store. When a row is inserted, it is added to the store. When a row is updated, it is upgraded in the store.
refreshKeyStringSpecifies the key to use when refreshing the data in the store.
tableStringSpecifies the name of the table to fetch data from.
selectQueryStringSpecifies the SQL query to use when fetching data from the table. Defaults to *.
headBooleanDetermines whether to include the column names in the data. Defaults to false.
schemaStringSpecifies the schema to use when fetching data from the table. Defaults to public.
countStringSpecifies the type of count to use when fetching data from the table. Can be one of 'exact', 'planned', 'estimated', or undefined. Defaults to undefined.


The component has two slots:

  • default: This slot is rendered when the data has been fetched successfully. It receives the following props:
    • payload: The data fetched from the table.
    • error: An error object if an error occurred while fetching the data, otherwise null.
  • loading: This slot is rendered while the data is being fetched.


<script lang="ts">
import { Collection } from 'supasveltekit';
const table = 'test';
<Collection table={table} let:payload let:error realtime={true}>
{#if !payload}
{:else if error}
<p class="items-count">Count: <strong data-testid="items-count">{payload.length}</strong></p>
{#each payload as entry}
<p class="items">ID: {} Created at {entry.created_at}</p>
<div slot="loading">